Details |
To |
Name of the Organization |
Associate Professor |
December 2009 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
September 2006 |
November 2009 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Lecturer |
March 2000 |
September 2006 |
Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal. |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S. No |
Details |
1. |
Dr. Y.Bhavani, Dr. K. Praveen Kumar, K. Dharmateja, P. Pranathi, R. Sowmya. Survey on Deadlocks in Distributed Database Systems, Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV 2021), pp. 919-926, Feb 2021 |
2. |
Y.Bhavani, Kiran Kumar Bejjanki, Jaya Krishna Bhonagiri, Sai Srikar Puppala, BO-Tree: An Efficient Search Tree. IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), December 2020 |
3. |
Y.Bhavani, B. Jaya Krishna, An Efficient Sorting Algorithm For Binary Data, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), July 2020 |
4. |
Y.Bhavani, P. Sai Srikar, P. Spoorthy Shivani, K. Kavya Sri, K. Anvitha, Image segmentation Based Hybrid Watermarking Algorithm For Copyright Protection, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), July 2020 |
5. |
Y. Bhavani, V. Janaki, R. Sridevi. IP Traceback using Flow Based Classification, Recent Patents on Computer Science (Scopus), vol. 12 (2019), pp. 1-9. |
6. |
Y.bhavani, D.Sanjay, Anroid based student remainder system Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol; (UGC) vol. 10 (4)(2017) pp. 760-764 |
7. |
Bhavani Y, Janaki V, Sridevi R. Survey on Packet Marking Algorithms for IP Traceback. Orient.J. Comp. Sci. and Technol; (UGC) vol. 10 (2)(2017) pp. 507-512 |
8. |
Y.Bhavani, V.janaki, R.Sridevi, “IP Traceback through modified Probabilistic Packet Marking algorithm using Chinese Remainder Theorem”, Ain Sham's Engineering Journal, Elsevier (SCIE) vol. 6, pp. 715-722 , Jan 2015 |
9. |
Y.Bhavani and P.Niranjan Reddy, “An Efficient IP Traceback through Packet Marking Algorithm,” IJNSA. (UGC) Volume No. 2, issue 3, pp.132-142, July 2010. |
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings |
S. No |
Details |
1 |
Dr. Y. Bhavani, S.B. Swathi, Ruthvik Reddy Aileni, Mythri Reddy Gaddam, “ A survey on various speech emotion recognition techniques”, Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS 2022), PP 1107-1112. |
2 |
K. Amulya, S.B. Swathi, Dr. P. Kamakshi, Dr. Y. Bhavani, “Sentiment Analysis on IMDB Movie Reviews using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms”, Fourth International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT-2022). PP. 829-834. |
3 |
Dr. Y. Bhavani, Dr. P. Kamakshi, E Kavya Sri, Y. Sindhu Sai, “ A Survey on Image Steganography Techniques using Least Significant Bit”, 5th International Conference on Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things ICICI -2021. |
4 |
Dr. Y. Bhavani, Dr. K. Praveen Kumar, K. Dharmateja, P. Pranathi, R. Sowmya, “Survey on Deadlocks in Distributed Database Systems”, Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV 2021), PP. 919-926. |
5 |
Y. Bhavani, Kiran kumar Bejjanki, B.Jaya Krishna, P. Sai Srikar, “BO-Tree: An Efficient Search Tree”, 17th IEEE Indian Council International Conference (INDICON), December 2020 (Scopus). |
6 |
Y.Bhavani, B. Jaya Krishna, “An Efficient Sorting Algorithm For Binary Data”, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), July 2020(Scopus). |
7 |
Y.Bhavani, P. Sai Srikar, P. Spoorthy Shivani, K. Kavya Sri, K. Anvitha, “Image Segmentation Based Hybrid Watermarking Algorithm For Copyright Protection”, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), July 2020 (Scopus). |
8 |
Y.Bhavani, Sai Srikar Puppala, B.Jaya Krishna, Srija Madarapu, Modified AES using Dynamic S-Box and DNA Cryptography, 3rd International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (ISMAC 2019, IEEE) , pp. 74-78, 12-14 December 2019 (Scopus). |
9 |
Y.Bhavani, B.Jaya Krishna. “Security enhancement using Modified AES and Diffie- Hellman key exchange”, In: 5th Springer International Conference on Computation Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT 2019). Advances in Intelligence Systems and Computing (Scopus). |
10 |
Y.Bhavani, V. Janaki, R. Sridevi. “IP Traceback through Modified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm using Record route”, In: 3rd Springer International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII 2018). Advances in Intelligence Systems and Computing (Scopus). |
11 |
Bhavani Y., Janaki V., Sridevi R. (2016) “Modified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm for IPv6 Traceback Using Chinese Remainder Theorem”, In: Saini H., Sayal R., Rawat S. (eds) Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 8. Springer, Singapore pp. 253-264 |
12 |
Bhavani Y, Janaki V, Sridevi R. “IP Traceback through probabilistic packet marking algorithm”, In: Proc of IEEE Region 10 conference TENCON 2013; October 2013 (SCOPUS). |
13 |
Y.Bhavani, Sai Srikar Puppala , Spoorthy Shivani Pabba, Kavya Sri Kasarla, Kadipaka Anvitha, Survey On Digital Watermarking, 3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020), pp. 1-5, 20-21 January 2020. |
14 |
Y.Bhavani, Y.Maneesha, D. Sri Poojitha, K. Srividya, Shervitej Reddy, Survey On Chatbot 3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020), pp. 21-25, 20-21 January 2020. |
15 |
Y.Bhavani, Sharon Sucharitha Kondru, Srignya Reddy Komandla, Divya reddy Chidirala, Grid Computing Security Issues And Challenges, 3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020), pp 61-65, 20-21 January 2020. |
16 |
Y.Bhavani, Neha Naz, Mohammad Aman, Srirangam Meghana, Review on Digital Learning Technology and Its Tool, 3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020), pp 90-94, 20-21 January 2020. |
S. No. |
Title of FDP/ Workshop/Seminar |
Organized by |
Workshop/ FDP/STTP |
Date |
Year |
Duration |
1 |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
NPTEL Online FDP certification course |
Seven days |
2 |
DevOps |
Department of Information Technology, KITS, Warangal |
Two days |
3 |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vaagdevi College of Engineering Bollikunta, Warangal |
Two days |
4 |
Faculty Awareness Program on Outcome Based Education and NBA Accrediation |
Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Narhe, Pune |
One day |
5 |
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Using Python |
Finland Labs (A Unit of Revert Technology Pvt. Ltd.) |
May 31st - June 11th |
2021 |
six days |
6 |
Python 3.4.3 |
CMR Engineering college |
June 8th - June 13th |
2020 |
six days |
7 |
Data Science |
Task & Excelr solutions |
July 1st - July 24th |
2020 |
twenty four days |
8 |
Data Science behind Natural Language Processing |
KITS, Warangal |
July 6th - July 10th |
2020 |
five days |
9 |
The Joy of computing using Python |
NPTEL Online FDP Certification Course |
Sep-Dec 2020 |
2020 |
Four months |
10 |
Introduction to internet of things |
NPTEL Online FDP Certification Course |
Jan-Apr 2020 |
2020 |
Four months |
11 |
NBA Accreditation and Teaching - Learning in Engineering (NATE) |
NPTEL Online FDP Certification Course |
Jan-Apr 2020 |
2020 |
Four months |
12 |
AICTE sponsored One week Short Term Training Programme on “R programming & Hadoop in Big Data Analytics” |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vaagdevi College of Engineering Bollikunta, Warangal |
2nd to 7th December |
2019 |
Six days |
13 |
Cryptography and Network Security |
NPTEL Online FDP certification course |
Jan-Apr |
2019 |
Ten days |
14 |
Cloud Computing |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Dec 21st -22nd |
2018 |
Two days |
15 |
Emerging Trends in Wireless networks |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Seminar |
May 21st - 25th |
2018 |
Five days |
16 |
Developing Moodle-enabled Blended Learning Courses |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Workshop |
March 10th -11th |
2018 |
Two days |
17 |
Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions and Industries |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
July 19th -23rd |
2017 |
Five days |
18 |
Introduction to Web Development |
National Institute ofTechnology, Warangal |
June 13th -22nd |
2017 |
Ten days |
19 |
Network Programming and Wireless Networks |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
April 21st -22nd |
2017 |
Two days |
20 |
Bigdata Analytics using Hadoop & R-Tools |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Jul 8th -9th |
2016 |
Two days |
21 |
Research Insights in cloud and Big Data |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Sep 19th -20th |
2015 |
Two days |
22 |
Social Network Analysis |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Jan 30th-31st |
2015 |
Two days |
23 |
Effective Functioning of an Autonomous Institution |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Workshop |
Jan 17th – 18th |
2015 |
Two days |
24 |
Teacher’s Role in an Autonomous Institution |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Seminar |
Nov 29th |
2014 |
One day |
25 |
Responsibility of Youth in Implementing Technology for Better Society |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Seminar |
Sep 13th |
2014 |
One day |
26 |
Big Data Challenges |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Sep 6th -7th |
2013 |
Two days |
27 |
Database Management Systems |
IIT Bombay(MHRD), Resourse center: NIT, Warangal |
Workshop |
May 21st – 31st |
2013 |
Two week |
28 |
Computer Programming & Data Structures |
AP State Council of Higher Education and JNTU, Hyderabad |
Workshop |
July 25th -31st |
2012 |
One week |
29 |
Research Aspects in Information Security |
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University |
Short Term Course |
Jan 23rd -28th |
2012 |
One week |
30 |
Network Programming and Security |
NIT, Warangal |
June 9th -21st |
2008 |
Two weeks |
31 |
Objected Oriented Modeling |
Kakatiya Institute of Technolgy and Sciences |
Dec 11th -17th |
2006 |
One week |
32 |
Software Testing |
Institute of Public Enterprise, OU Hyderabad |
Seminar |
Jan 21st -22nd |
2006 |
Two days |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Member – Advancing Technology for Humanity (IEEE ) |
2 |
Member – Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) |
3 |
Member –Andra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences(457) |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Object Oriented Programming through C++ |
I Sem, II/IV, IT |
Principles of Programming Languages |
V Sem, IT |
Computer Architecture and Organization |
I Sem, II/IV, IT |
Object Oriented Programming through C++ |
III Sem, IT |
Data Structures through C |
II sem, I/IV, IT |
Cryptography & Network Security |
VI Sem, IT |
Operating Systems |
I sem, III/IV, IT |
Advanced Database Management System |
I sem. IV/IV, IT |
Cryptography and Network Security |
II sem, III/IV, IT |
Programming in C |
I Sem, I/IV, IT |
Database Management Systems |
IV Sem, IT |
Principles of Programming Languages |
V Sem, IT |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
IV Sem, IT |
Big Data Analytics |
VIII Sem, IT |
Postgraduate Level |
Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms |
M.Tech. (DS), I Sem |
Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms |
M.Tech. (DS), I Sem |
Advanced Neural Networks |
M.Tech. (DS), II Sem |
S. No. |
Details |
1 |
Acted as Resource person for the UGC sponsored three week Refresher course on “Network Security and Cryptography” , delivered lecture sessions on “Number Theory” on Sep 12th and 13th 2013 at UGC –Academic Staff college, JNTUH, Hyderabad |
2 |
Acted as Resource person for the UGC sponsored three week Refresher course on “Network Security and Cryptography” , delivered lecture sessions on “N-Maps theory and lab” on Dec 23rd 2007 at UGC –Academic Staff college, JNTUH, Hyderabad |
3 |
Acted as Resource person for the workshop on “Information security” , delivered lecture on “Network Security basics”, on Nov 27th 2007 at G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science |
4 |
Acted as Resource person for the seminar on “Emerging Trends in Wireless networks” delivered lecture on “Socket Programming using Java” on 24th May 2018, Organized by DST, SERB, IETE and KITS Warangal |
5 |
Acted as Resourse person for One Week program on Data Structures through Con,“Linked list” , 16th -20th December 2019 at KITSW, Warangal. |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1 |
Survey on Deadlocks in Distributed Database Systems |
Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV 2021) |
Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India |
2 |
An efficient sorting algorithm for Binary data |
11th IEEE International Conference on Computing |
IIT Kharagapur, West Bengal, India |
3 |
Image segmentation Based Hybrid Watermarking Algorithm For Copyright Protection |
11th IEEE International Conference on Computing |
IIT Kharagapur, West Bengal, India |
4 |
Survey On Digital Watermarking pp. 1-5 |
3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020) |
KITS, Huzurabad, during 20-21 January 2020 |
5 |
Survey On Chatbot pp. 21-25 |
3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020) |
KITS, Huzurabad, during 20-21 January 2020 |
6 |
Grid Computing Security Issues And Challenges pp 61-65 |
3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020) |
KITS, Huzurabad, during 20-21 January 2020 |
7 |
Review on Digital Learning Technology and Its Tool pp 90-94 |
3rd National Conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology (FACET 2020) |
KITS, Huzurabad, during 20-21 January 2020 |
8 |
Modified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm for IPv6 Traceback Using Chinese Remainder Theorem |
3rd Springer Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering |
Guru Nanak Institute of technology, Hyderabad |
9 |
IP Traceback through Modified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm using Record route |
In: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII 2018) |
JNTUH, Hyderabad |
10 |
Security Enhancement Using Modified AES and Diffie–Hellman Key Exchange |
5th Springer International Conference CICT-2019, November 2019. |
ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad |
11 |
Modified AES using Dynamic S-Box and DNA Cryptography |
3rd International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (ISMAC 2019) |
SCAD Institute of Technology at Palladam, India.During12-14 December 2019 |
12 |
IP Traceback through Modified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm |
International Conference of Region 10 TENCON 2013 |
IEEE at Xi'an, Shaanxi, China during 22-25, October, 2013 |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1 |
Linked Lists |
Data Structures through C |
Department of CSE&IT, KITS, Warangal |
2 |
Socket Programming using Java |
Emerging Trends in Wireless networks, FDP |
DST, SERB, IETE and KITS Warangal |
3 |
Number Theory |
UGC sponsored three week Refresher course on “Network Security and Cryptography” |
UGC –Academic Staff college, JNTUH, Hyd |
4 |
N-Maps theory and lab |
UGC sponsored three week Refresher course on “Network Security and Cryptography |
UGC –Academic Staff college, JNTUH, Hyd. |
5 |
Network Security basics |
Workshop on Information security |
G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science. |